Thats where Tweriod comes in handy.
I wondered about this very question and decided to take a look.
Here's the Tweriod report for EtsyDeviants account the general view. You can look at Weekends, Sundays, Mondays, and Weekdays.
I like looking at the combined hourly graph to see everything at once.
Tweriod Hourly for EtsyDeviants
Tweriod Hourly for LizsWares
To see it a different way for me to understand it I drew up a chart in Excel. I added borders to show how long followers are online each day, I wrote the account initials at their peak hours.
When I was planning to schedule my tweets in TweetDeck I planned on tweet the items at (2:00 AM and 4:00 PM), or (12:00 PM, 5:00 PM).
By looking at the chart we can see that
*the 2am tweet wouldn't get any views
*the 12pm tweet wouldn't reach very many, but some
*the 4pm tweet would hit followers on both accounts nicely
*the 5pm tweet would reach a fair amount of followers
Knowledge is power, and now that I know I can choose better times to reach as many of my followers as possible.
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